Archive for March, 2007

Painkiller Jane

Okay, this trailer makes Painkiller Jane look like Project Runway meets The Matrix…

But it’s got Kristanna Loken (Paige from the L Word) looking pretty hot. I may record it and check out the premiere in a couple weeks on Sci Fi.

My TV worlds are colliding

Dark and twisty – it’s been used to describe both Jenny Schecter and Meredith Grey this season. Meredith’s dad is on Raines. Joey Lucas is on the L Word. Angela from Project Runway is putting her fleurchons on Paige‘s hat on L Word. Lord John Marbury is contending for Chief of Surgery on Grey’s Anatomy. What the heck is going on!?

By the way, Raines really was interesting. Even though Jeff Goldblum bugs me, it was a good show. Thanks to one of my bugs for getting me to watch it. Heck, I hadn’t even heard of it and I certainly wouldn’t have watched it.

Six months!?

Wow. I just realized it’s been almost six months since I’ve geocached. The longest drought of my caching career if you don’t count the space between my First Ever Cache and my second. That wasn’t really my fault. But that wasn’t really my point in posting, just something that surprised me. My point in posting? More cool linkage.

I’m the wordiest cacher in Michigan who has so far uploaded stats here:

It’s Not About the Numbers

A cute little site. I like it. I also like CacheStats. And you can export your stats to HTML and make it part of your profile. Pretty slick, those geeky geocachers.

Plastic bags

So on one of my early Sunday morning shopping trips, the person checking out behind me handed the cashier a handful of canvas tote bags which she used to bag her groceries. That got me thinking. And after taking a huge WAD of plastic grocery bags home from work the other day, I decided that I would order a few canvas bags to try to do the same and cut down on those ubiquitous plastic grocery bags.

This morning, on Morning Edition they had a story that San Francisco is nearing a ban on plastic grocery bags. I don’t know if a ban is the answer. I wonder if more and more people brought their own bags or stores sold canvas bags for groceries if it would be more popular. I had thought about it before but didn’t want to inconvenience the cashier since they have their little spinning grocery bag thing. Now that I have seen other people do it, I’m going to do it. It seems like an easy enough small thing to do… What do you think?

I don’t know anything about this website, but they have a little bit more info at Worldwatch Institute.

Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Well, I’m running late for my weekly shopping trip, but I have the Scarecrow and Mrs. King theme song stuck in my head and felt like sharing this fun link. I’d link directly to the youtube video of it, but then you’d miss out on how it got stuck in my head and there are other fun ones there too. Check it out:

AfterEllen : More TV theme songs

Also still making me crack up this morning: AmandaAcrossAmerica . I am always afraid that Amanda is going to fall over and crack her head on a sidewalk. Luckily, the only fall is in the sand…

Time change

Daylight savings is always a little goofy. Loved checking the weather and seeing that the observed time was in the future.



By the way, this is a snapshot from Weather Watcher, which is a great freeware program available from Singer’s Creations. A great alternative to Weatherbug, which has cute noises but is also full of spyware. I should try to find that cricket noise and stick it in there and then there’s no drawback whatsoever.

I’m glad the daylight savings is starting… or ending. I never can keep track of that. Anyway, glad that we’re springing forward. Lighter later is good. I’ll miss hearing the birdies singing while walking to my car, but it’ll get lighter out in the morning soon enough.

Best Buy Secret Employee Only Website Shows Different Prices From Real Site

I first heard about this last week, so I’m a little slow on the uptake, but it seems to be getting bigger. The Connecticut Attorney General is now looking into this. I’ll admit it, I shop there on occasion but, especially on big ticket items, I am wary of their sales and rebates. Now I wonder what other stores do this sort of thing. What a waste of energy to be skeptical of every. single. thing. you do.

Have you ever found a deal at Best Buy’s website only to travel to the store and find that the “sale” is over? Did the Best Buy employee show you “proof” on their “website”? It now seems that there are really TWO, separate websites — and they’re identical except for the prices.

read more | digg story

Huh. Maybe I was being paranoid after all. And if not, who cares? On with the blogging…